Building Brave Organizational Cultures
Facilitating the people and organizational processes to build courageous cultures is a core competency of the consultants, coaches and facilitators who partner with ACG. Whether you work together in an office or work remotely, when you work with ACG, we help you convert shared values into observable and measurable behaviors. ACG can show you how to translate those behaviors into just performance evaluations, just organizational metrics, and into systems and structures for staff and leadership accountability. Contact ACG to take advantage of our Building Brave Organizational Cultures services.
The Benefits of a Healthy Organizational Culture
 Photo by Beth Applegate
Creating a culture of belonging has never been more important than in the wake of the global pandemic. Acknowledging interconnectedness, and addressing the vulnerability that people feel in a world where there are no gaurantees is one of the most critical leadership competencies needed in a time of tumultuous change.
Research shows that less than 10% of brick-and-mortar workplaces that had established written organizational values were actually using them to observe and measure behaviors. Whether leaders, teams and staff work from home or office, no one can live into—and hold each other accountable for—what they cannot name and describe.
When aspirations and actions are out of step, people and institutions experience inefficiency, conflict, ambivalence, lackluster performance, low engagement and other signs of lost energy. By understanding your individual and organizational values and aligning them with daily practice in behaviors, policies, structures and processes, ACG supports institutions to be most effective and fulfilled in their work.