Applegate Consulting Group

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Photo by Beth Applegate

Organization Assessment & Change Initiatives

In the new remote world of working, leaders have been called upon to rethink how to function. Organizational growth, quality improvements, demographic changes, programs and strategies must move forward even while the organization grapples with external opportunities and threats emerging from the virus.

Our collective concept about the brick and mortar workplace evolves before the world's eyes. ACG supports brave leaders who want to seize the external opportunities, mitigate the threats, and leverage the new reality in which your institution operates. We help to transform tension into energy and creativity for your organization's next chapter. Let us help get you there.

Leaders and organizations are experiencing unprecedented need for internal-facing and external-facing process, system and structure changes as a result of the global pandemic. Every organization, no matter how large or how small--whether everyone is in one place, or working remotely--is a system. Organizational problems and dilemmas are linked together. A change in one area impacts other areas of the whole organization. ACG begins with an assessment. First, we learn what's working and what's not working in the new remote environment, and explore the links and how they fit together.t. We  identify the organizational values and norms that will support your employees having a sense of belonging. Together then, we will identify the action steps to improve the organization’s processes and structures. We will strengthen the on-site and remote connection among the staff in service to the mission. 

ACG assessments build on what the organization has accomplished in the past, examine the impact of the evolving remote office changes and conditions, and helps leaders guide the organization to even more success in the future. Each of our clients define success for themselves, be it the numbers on the bottom line; behaviors that reflect the culture they want to create; how people feel, or other metrics that are aligned with their organizational mission. What matters is that your organization is not driving forward old ways of being, thinking or doing. It is a time to develop a new organizational process that will drive results, performance and wellness metrics in a brave new world for the delivery of programs and services in an environment radically changed by the demand for off-site work. 

To help our clients make meaning out of the assessment data, we utilize Polarity Thinking. Polarities are interdependent pairs in which we live, and that live in us. They are also known as tensions, dilemmas and paradoxes. They are unsolvable, unavoidable, indestructible and unstoppable. Each polarity is a powerful energy system that we can learn to leverage to achieve positive change. 

For example, which is more important, Mercy OR Justice; Continuity OR Change; Leadership Development OR Organization Development; Task OR Process; Planning OR Implementing; Freedom of the Part OR Equity among the parts within the Whole? All of these are polarities--0pposite pairs which can't function well independently. A relevant and life sustaining polarity is breathing. We breathe in AND we breathe out. Do you prefer one over the other? Is one better than the other? Choosing inhaling OR exhaling isn't really a solution to the issue of breathing--it's actually unsustainable! We need both to live. So we help organizations augment problem-solving approaches with Polarity Thinking to move beyond “either/or” thinking  toward “both/and” thinking.

Adopting “both/and” thinking has never been more important to the health and well-being of our people and planet,  and to the strength of the global economy. Our basic societal paradigms have been turned on their heads and the script flipped. Work-life balance is now happening all over the world where people work, live and play.

Support your organization to re-align to the new reality of a remote-working environment by assessing how well your processes, structures and people are aligned with the organizational values and mission, programs and stakeholders. We'll work with you to develop comprehensive strategies that tap reservoirs of energy, release potential and discover new possibilities in today's evolving concept of the workplace. Contact us today to get started with your assessment.

Blueberries - Photo by Beth Applegate
Photo by Beth Applegate

"I have had the good fortune of working with Beth Applegate both as a strategic planning consultant and as the chair of the board of directors on which I served. She possesses an extraordinary ability to guide others through the assessment and planning process in a manner that energizes and engages all involved. The end product proved to be a valuable tool that truly helped shape the work of the organization. Likewise, Beth's leadership abilities are exceptional. She leads with clarity and wisdom, always communicating and commanding respect."
- Board Chair

Sun Coming Through Woods - Photo by Beth Applegate
Photo by Beth Applegate

"One of the things I loved most about Beth Applegate's approach was that it was tailor-made to our needs. Beth spent a lot of time listening to us during the assessment phase. What she came up with was a collaborative vision of what would work, not just what was ideal. She was willing to follow through with us until we were able to see the plan through. It felt like we had a coach who brought a lot of expertise and flexibility and that was exactly what we needed. I cannot recommend Beth and her work highly enough."
- Regional Program Director

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(301) 535-6539

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Nationwide & Worldwide

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